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CHOICEPOINT CPScreen/Online Applications Module (Recruiter View)

CPScreen is ChoicePoint's flagship application for developing background screenings. As UI designer for this project, I created and developed the UI for the Online Application Module, which allows recruiters to track their candidates through the recruiting and application process.

Search Functionality

First, a recruiter will want to find the Applicant they are tracking, or create a new Applicant. The recruiter logs onto CPScreen, and activates the "Online Applications" module. To find the Applicant, the recruiter enters as much data as is available, and clicks "Search". Note that online help is always available.

OA Log In

Search Results

Now the recruiter is presented with a list view of results matching the search criteria. The high-level information grid allows the recruiter to narrow the search, or to take action on selected Applicants. The tabbed display allows the recruiter to return to the original search screen. Clicking an Applicant's name opens up the Applicant Detail screen in a new tab. (Multiple Applicants can be viewed in this way.)

OA Personal

Applicant Detail

Finally, the recruiter comes to the Applicant Detail Screen. Here the Applicant's detailed information is made available, as well as a click-through to the hiring profile and the Background Screening tab, which calls upon data from the Background Checks module.

OA Employment 1

Once we had addressed the Applicant Tracking issue, we turned our attention to the Applicant's perspective. See the UI I developed for the Candidate View Module.