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CHOICEPOINT Global Case Management

As an industry leader in background screening and risk assessment, ChoicePoint found it had to address cases with international elements. The "Global Case Management" application was created to enable fulfillment of international orders. As UI designer for this enterprise initiative, I served on the project from the very beginning, advising on user needs and behavior, and created the User Experience Design for GCM. Below are sample screens from this application.

Log In/Initial Branding

On launching Global Case Management, the User is greeted with an animated GCM branding widget of my creation. Here they log on and proceed to the application.

gcm login

Work Queue and List View

On logging in, the User is presented with a dashboard view of the work queue, and a list view of international elements to be fulfilled. The tabbed interface allows access to multiple elements. (Clicking an element ID opens its tab.) Paging controls allow a wide range of search results.

List View

Actions in the List View

The User can take actions at this level, or, with right security role assign the element Status or Group.

gcm list view

Work Queue Flexibility

The GCM screens are designed to handle requests from multiple clients in multiple countries.

gcm worker view

Case Detail

The User can drill down from the list view to a Case Detail view. Here the User sees a high-level profile of the individual, and a tabbed view of the areas to be investigated.

gcm detail

Case Detail: Real Information

Once in the Case Detail screen, the real power of GCM becomes apparent.. Here in the "Questions" tab, the User can verify questions predetermined (and customizable) by the client. The profile icon allows access to the individual's details. The green arrow icon allows the User to transfer verified information with just a click. The "No Information" icon allows the User to make a quick entry of "not verified" for that data.

gcm detail

Once the User has worked the element, the Save button saves the case and returns it to the Review Queue.

Case Detail: Element Fulfilled

When the International Element has been investigated and reviewed, it is rated and submitted. Now it is marked to return to the Domestic Queue for review by the ordering party, client, recruiter, or screener. The element is fulfilled!

gcm detail


Global Case Management was one of my most successful UI designs, and is currently being used to fulfill background screens internationally.